The West Point Insider Threat program engages in the comprehensive discussion of insider risk and insider threat to enable a contemporary understanding of both independently, as well as their interactions with each other.

Managing Insider Risk and Organizational Resilience (MIROR) journal. The MIROR journal is an editorial-reviewed online and print publication. MIROR shares best operational practices, leadership perspectives, and reviews of relevant work that further both the proactive practices of insider risk management and promotion of holistic wellness and resilience in organizations.
Program representatives continue to act as invited speakers and attendees of several industry standard conferences, workshops, and symposia related to risk, threat, culture, and organizational atmosphere.
The Program serves as an advisor in the development of Army Insider Threat curriculum development. The West Point Insider Threat Program is currently a member of Army’s Insider Threat Community of Interest, FedGov Complexity Community, DoD Counter Insider Threat Research Strategy Group.
West Point Insider Threat Program’s Impact