
Funding for the MIROR Journal is provided by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense Intelligence and Security OUSD (I&S).


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Open Access Statement

The MIROR Journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
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The MIROR Journal is an Open Access journal and supports the author’s self-archiving their manuscripts/articles on their personal or institutional website, university, specialized repositories such as, and research sharing websites such as ResearchGate.

Authors are allowed to deposit their works after it has been published in the MIROR Journal, either online or in print, with no embargo. Authors can publish submitted, accepted, published manuscript/article, or publisher’s PDFs.  

Archiving Policy

The MIROR Journal is an Open Access journal allowing anyone to archive the content. The MIROR Journal will ensure long-term open access to the content by uploading the content to the Department of Defense digital repository DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center) DoDTechipedia public collections, Internet Archive (, and the printed journal to the Library of Congress.