

The Department of Defense (DoD) Counter–Insider Threat Program leads DoD efforts to prevent, deter, detect, and mitigate insider threats to the DoD enterprise.

Located within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement, and Security (OUSD(I&S), CLS), the program provides governance and advocacy for insider threat programs across the DoD Components and Services.

U.S. Army logo

The Headquarters of the Army G3/5/7, DAMO-ODP, Army Counter-Insider Threat Program is an integrated effort across the total Army established to protect installations, networks, facilities, personnel, and missions from the risk insiders pose to national security.

From the offsite contractor logically accessing Army networks to the senior Army leader stationed on the Pentagon Reserve, and Soldiers, staff, and personnel everywhere in between, the Army Counter-Insider Threat Program develops policies and procedures to improve the Army’s reaction and preemptive responses to combat risks posed by existing and evolving threats.