
The West Point Insider Threat Program supports the extension of the current state of knowledge in the fields of insider risk and insider threat by supporting undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral research.

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two-Semester Cadet Honors Theses

  • William Johnson (2020): Creating a Web Crawling Program to Feed a Database of Department of Defense Insider Threat Incidents
  • Christopher Ploch (2021): A Surrogate Approach to Identifying Insider Threats
  • Ethan Koster (2022): Machine Learning & Computer Assisted Algorithms to Detect Insider Threat
  • Jungin Lee (2022): Insider Threat: Distinguishing Between Normal and Abnormal Transfers Within the Army and the Trends Associated with an Abnormal Transfer
  • Saleem Ali (2024): Natural Language Processing of Army Insider Threat Hub Data
  • Joshua Blackmon (2024): Machine Learning Applications to Insider Threat
  • Samin Kim (2024): Data Fusion Enterprise: Building an Architecture for Automating Hub

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one-Semester Exploration and Study

  • Benjamin Wettstein (2023): Quantifying Insider Threats with NLP and Characterization Framework
  • Sydney Watson (2024): Participation of Women in the Labore Force: An Indicator of Invisible Barriers

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2023 Insider Threat Internship team. Credit: U.S. Army / Christopher Hennen, USMA

Undergraduate Internships (Cadet Advanced Individual Academic Development)

  • Army Analytics Group Research Facilitation Lab (21)
  • Department of the Army G3/5/7 (5)
  • Headquarters, Insider Threat Hub (5)
  • Logistics Management Institute (5)
  • Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security (4)
  • TRADOC Network Engagement Team (3)
  • Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (2)
  • Air Force Research Lab, A.X. Enterprize (2)

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Graduate (1)

  • Mr. Javier Fernandez is a Rotary Scholar in the United Kingdom. He has been active as a research apprentice with the Army Cyber Institute and the West Point Insider Threat Program, through the Army Education Outreach Program (AEOP) since fall 2022. Primarily, Mr. Fernandez is developing code to build a catalog of narratives and beliefs that facilitate the work of scholars and research practitioners in the DoD and beyond. In addition to developing the catalog, he has been assisting on a research project that is both presenting a new mixed-methods approach for identifying potential insider threat narratives online, as well as an analysis of how different fringe narratives use and/or discuss the military and military key terms.

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Post Doctoral

  • Dr. Jaclyn Fox is a postdoctoral fellow with the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) affiliated with West Point’s Army Cyber institute (ACI). She obtained her PhD in international relations from American University where her dissertation focused on the spread of extremist narratives and mis/disinformation online and its relationship to actions offline. At West Point, she is continuing this stream of research along with an increased emphasis on the issues of insider threat and privacy.